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       市 财 政 局

      市 人 事 局

       市 教 育 局










第一章 总则

  第一条 为了贯彻落实党中央、国务院、中央军委关于做好新时期双拥工作,进一步加强军政军民团结的指示精神,推动创建双拥模范城(县)活动广泛深入持久地开展,特制订本办法。

  第二条 创建双拥模范城(县)活动,是拥军优属、拥政爱民优良传统的继承与发展,是新时期双拥工作的重要载体,是加强军政军民团结的有效途径。

  第三条 双拥模范城(县)是双拥工作成绩突出,具有榜样和示范作用,并经过一定程序命名的先进典型,是当地党委、政府、驻军领导机关和全体军民共同的政治荣誉。

  第四条 创建双拥模范城(县)活动,要坚持马列主义、毛泽东思想,高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,以江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想为指导,着眼于巩固和发展同呼吸、共命运、心连心的新型军政军民关系,把拥军优属与拥政爱民结合起来,把发展社会生产力与提高部队战斗力结合起来,把物质文明建设与精神文明建设结合起来,促进双拥工作整体水平的提高,促进国家改革发展稳定和军队全面建设。

  第五条 双拥模范城(县)分全国和省(自治区、直辖市)两级。全国双拥模范城(县)由全国双拥工作领导小组批准,民政部、总政治部命名。省级双拥模范城(县)由省、自治区、直辖市党委、政府和省军区(卫戍区、警备区)命名。

  第六条 全国双拥模范城(县)的命名范围:地级市(不含所辖县)、县级市、直辖市辖区、县(旗)。省级双拥模范城(县)的命名范围,由各省、自治区、直辖市确定。

  第七条 命名双拥模范城(县)应坚持标准,注重实绩,保证质量。

  第八条 命名双拥模范城(县),应处理好大城市与中小城市及县的数量关系。每次命名全国双拥模范城(县),各省、自治区推荐的县及县级市所占比例不得低于推荐总数的百分之三十,直辖市推荐的对象应有所辖县(市)。

  第九条 双拥模范城(县)实行动态管理。

  第十条 对在创建双拥模范城(县)活动中做出突出成绩的单位和个人,可视情给予表彰奖励。

第二章 双拥模范城(县)的基本标准

  第十一条 命名双拥模范城(县),坚持以下标准:







  第十二条 全国双拥工作领导小组依据第十一条的规定,提出每届全国双拥模范城(县)评选命名的具体要求。

第三章 命名程序与权限

  第十三条 省级双拥模范城(县)由地级市(地区、自治州、盟)党委、政府、驻军推荐,经省、自治区、直辖市双拥工作领导小组审核,报省、自治区、直辖市党委、政府和省军区(卫戍区、警备区)批准,同时报全国双拥工作领导小组备案。

  第十四条 省级双拥模范城(县)三年命名一次,除特殊情况外,应举行命名大会。具体命名时间由各省、自治区、直辖市确定。

  第十五条 全国双拥模范城(县)一般每三年命名一次,特殊情况可提前或延期。每次命名:由省、自治区、直辖市双拥工作领导小组按有关规定择优推荐。被推荐单位应符合本办法第十一条规定并获得省级双拥模范城(县)称号。

  第十六条 省、自治区、直辖市双拥工作领导小组推荐全国双拥模范城(县),要征求所在大军区的意见,经省、自治区、直辖市党委、政府和省军区(卫戍区、警备区)研究同意后,向全国双拥工作领导小组写出推荐报告,并附被推荐单位的事迹材料。

  第十七条 全国双拥工作领导小组办公室会同有关部门,对推荐命名的单位进行审核,提出初选意见,经全国双拥工作领导小组组长办公会审议后,提交全国双拥工作领导小组全体会议批准。

  第十八条 全国双拥模范城(县)由全国双拥工作领导小组发布命名决定,并举行命名大会。

  第十九条 对被命名的双拥模范城(县),授予奖匾,颁证书。

第四章 命名后的管理

  第二十条 双拥模范城(县)应以命名为新起点,坚持巩固、发展、提高的方针,不断研究新情况,解决新问题,总结新经验,取得新成绩。

  第二十一条 被命名的全国双拥模范城(县),每年年底应作出年度双拥工作报告和下年度双拥工作计划,并报省、自治区、直辖市双拥工作领导小组办公室。

  第二十二条 省、自治区、直辖市双拥工作领导小组,要适时对辖区内的全国和省级双拥模范城(县)进行检查,并将检查情况报全国双拥工作领导小组办公室,作为下一次评选全国双拥模范城(县)的重要依据。

  第二十三条 全国双拥工作领导小组办公室适时对全国双拥模范城(县)进行抽查,并视情通报抽查情况。t

  第二十四条 被命名为双拥模范城(县)的单位,工作无新的进展或出现问题的,省、自治区、直辖市双拥工作领导小组应及时给予帮助,查找薄弱环节,制定改进措施。

  第二十五条 双拥模范城(县)出现政策法规不落实或重大军民纠纷,应在及时纠正和妥善处理的同时,将情况报全国双拥工作领导小组办公室。对隐情不报或不及时采取措施解决的,给予通报批评;严重影响军政军民团结的,按命名权限撤销其“双拥模范模范城(县)”荣誉称号。

第五章 附则

  第二十六条 本办法由全国双拥工作领导小组办公室负责解释。

  第二十七条 省、自治区、直辖市双拥工作领导小组可依据本办法制定实施细则。

  第二十八条 本办法自颁发之日起施行,1993年颁发的《双拥模范城(县)命名管理办法》同时废止。








  第一条 为加强城市建筑垃圾管理,保障城市市容和环境卫生整洁,根据国务院《城市市容和环境卫生管理条例》、《黑龙江省城市市容和环境卫生管理条例》、《哈尔滨市市容环境卫生管理条例》等有关规定,结合本市实际,制定本办法。

  第二条 本办法适用于本市城市规划区内建筑垃圾的排放、运输、回填、消纳、利用等处置活动。

  第三条 本办法所称建筑垃圾,是指新建、改建、扩建和拆除各类建筑物、构筑物、管网以及装修房屋过程中所产生的弃土、弃料及其它废弃物。

  第四条 建筑垃圾管理坚持减量化、资源化、无害化处置和谁产生、谁承担处置责任的原则。

  第五条 市城市市容环境卫生行政主管部门(以下简称市市容环卫部门)负责本市城市建筑垃圾的管理工作,并负责本办法的组织实施。

  第六条 建筑垃圾的排放、运输和消纳按照国家和省有关规定实行核准制度;未经核准,不得擅自排放、运输和消纳。

  第七条 任何单位和个人不得伪造、涂改、倒卖、出租、转借建筑垃圾处置核准证件。

  第八条 城乡建设和拆迁行政主管部门应当在核发建设施工、拆迁许可文件的同时,将建设工程、拆迁工程排放建筑垃圾的有关信息转送市市容环卫部门和市城管执法部门。

  第九条 产生建筑垃圾的建设单位或者拆迁单位,应当监督施工单位按照本办法规定组织清运建筑垃圾。

  第十条 施工单位应当将建筑垃圾交给经核准从事建筑垃圾运输的单位运输,并签订运输合同。运输合同应当向工程所在地的区市容环卫部门和市城管执法部门备案。

  第十一条 施工单位应当及时清运建筑垃圾,保持工地和周边环境整洁。

  第十二条 施工单位应当按照运输车辆的核定载质量装载建筑垃圾,不得超高、超量装载。

  第十三条 施工单位应当对工地出入口进行硬铺装,配备相应的冲洗设施。

  第十四条 建筑垃圾排放按照国家有关规定,实行收费制度,具体收费标准由市价格行政主管部门核定。

  第十五条 施工单位处置建筑垃圾情况,实行综合信用评价管理。属于建筑施工的,纳入建筑企业综合信用评价体系进行管理;属于拆除施工的,纳入房屋拆除信用评价进行管理。


  第十六条 运输建筑垃圾的车辆应当按照《哈尔滨市自卸汽车密闭厢盖技术规范》的要求安装密闭装置,经具有资质的产品检验机构检验合格后,方可使用。

  第十七条 运输建筑垃圾的单位应当在运输建筑垃圾前,持《建筑垃圾准运证》到市市容环卫部门领取《运输卡》,并随车携带备查。

  第十八条 从事运输建筑垃圾的单位应当遵守下列规定:


  第十九条 设置建筑垃圾消纳场应当符合规划和市容环境卫生、环境保护、国土资源等有关管理规定,并按照规定办理相关审批手续。

  第二十条 建筑垃圾消纳应当遵守下列规定:


  第二十一条 单位装修产生建筑垃圾的,应当向区市容环卫部门申报,按照区市容环卫部门指定的地点临时堆放、苫盖严密,并雇佣经核准的运输车辆及时清运。

  第二十二条 施工产生的可利用黑土、黄土,应当单独排放、运输,送到市市容环卫部门指定的地点存放。


  第二十三条 市容环卫、城管行政执法、公安交通等行政主管部门,应当依据各自职责建立建筑垃圾管理工作责任制,落实监管责任,对建筑垃圾排放、运输和消纳等行为进行监督检查。

  第二十四条 产生建筑垃圾的建设或者拆迁单位违反本办法规定,未取得《建筑垃圾排放处置证》擅自排放建筑垃圾的,由市城管执法部门责令限期改正,给予警告,处以 5000元以上3万元以下罚款。

  第二十五条 施工单位违反本办法规定,有下列情形之一的,由市城管执法部门按照下列规定进行处罚:


  第二十六条 运输建筑垃圾的单位违反本办法规定,有下列情形之一的,责令限期改正,由市城管执法部门按照下列规定进行处罚:


  第二十七条 消纳建筑垃圾的单位违反本办法规定,有下列情形之一的,由市城管执法部门责令限期改正,按照下列规定进行处罚:

  (一)未取得《建筑垃圾消纳处置证》擅自消纳建筑垃圾的,给予警告,处以 1万元以上10万元以下罚款。

  第二十八条 单位和个人违反本办法规定有下列情形之一的,由市城管执法部门按照下列规定进行处罚:


  第二十九条 从事建筑垃圾运输的单位有超过运输车辆核定载质量装载、沿途洒落、随意乱卸建筑垃圾等行为,一年内经过两次行政处罚仍不改正的,除按照规定进行处罚外,三年内不予办理《建筑垃圾准运证》。

  第三十条 侮辱、殴打行政执法人员或者阻挠其执行公务的,由公安机关按照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》有关规定进行处理。

  第三十一条 违反本办法其他规定的,由有关行政管理部门按照相关规定进行处罚。

  第三十二条 市容环卫、城管行政执法、公安交通等行政主管部门及其工作人员应当依法履行职责,不得玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊。



  第三十三条 本办法自2010年 10月20日起施行。市人民政府2006年8月9日发布的《哈尔滨市城市建筑垃圾管理办法》同时废止。

Measures of the Municipality of Harbin for
Administration of Urban Construction Garbage

(Promulgated by Decree No.223 of the People’s Government of the Municipality
of Harbin on September 14, 2010, and effective as of October 20, 2010 )

Article 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Regulations on Administration of Urban City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation formulated by the State Council, the Regulations of Heilongjiang Province on Administration of Urban City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation and the Regulations of the Municipality of Harbin on Administration of City Appearance and Environmental Sanitation and other relevant regulations, by taking into account the particular circumstances of this Municipality, for the purposes of strengthening the administration of urban construction garbage and ensuring cleanness and tidiness of urban city appearance and environmental sanitation.
Article 2 These Measures shall be applicable to the disposal activities such as discharge, transport, backfill, storage for disposal, and utilization of construction garbage within the planned urban areas of this Municipality.
Article 3 The term “construction garbage” in these Measures refers to the discarded soil, materials, and other waste, which are produced in the process of constructing, reconstructing, extending, or demolishing various buildings, structures, or pipe networks, as well as in the process of housing upgrade.
The term “storage for disposal of construction garbage” in these Measures refers to the process of reception and acceptance of construction garbage according to the relevant requirements of environmental sanitation and environmental protection.
Article 4 The administration of construction garbage shall adhere to the principles of reducing the amount, turning into resources, and having the garbage innocuously treated and of whoever produces the garbage shall bear the responsibility of disposal.
All the units and individuals are encouraged to give priority to the use of comprehensive utilization products of construction garbage.
Article 5 The competent administrative department for urban city appearance and environmental sanitation of this Municipality (hereinafter referred to as the municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation) shall be responsible for the administration of urban construction garbage of this Municipality, and for organizing the implementation of these Measures.
The competent administrative department for urban city appearance and environmental sanitation of a district (hereinafter referred to as the district department for city appearance and environmental sanitation) shall, according to its division of duties, be responsible for the administration of construction garbage within its jurisdiction area.
The administrative department of law enforcement which exercises the power of administrative penalty for urban management in a centralized way(hereinafter referred to as the urban management law enforcement department)shall be responsible for the imposition of administrative penalty provided in these Measures.
The competent administrative departments for urban and rural construction, urban and rural planning, land and resources, environmental protection, housing guarantee and management, finance, pricing, communications and transportation, public security, quality inspection and technical supervision and so on, as well as sub-district offices shall, according to their respective functions and duties, bring success to the relevant administration work of construction garbage.
Article 6 The approval system shall be implemented in discharge, transport and storage for disposal of construction garbage according to the relevant regulations of the State and this Province. No construction garbage may be discharged, transported or consumed without approval.
The project owner or the demolition and relocation unit producing construction garbage may not be allowed to discharge such garbage until it, prior to the commencement of the project, has made an application to the municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation for discharging construction garbage and obtained the Construction Garbage Discharge License upon approval by holding the construction garbage disposal plan and the Construction Project Permit or the Basic Promises on Construction Project.
The unit transporting construction garbage may not be allowed to transport the garbage until it has made an application to the municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation for transporting construction garbage and has obtained the Permit for Transport of Construction Garbage upon approval by holding the Vehicle License, Road Transport License and the Sealing Certificate for Transport Vehicle. One Permit for Transport of Construction Garbage shall be given to one vehicle only. No individual may be approved to get the Permit for Transport of Construction Garbage.
The unit storing for disposal of construction garbage may not be allowed to store for disposal of such garbage until it has made an application to the municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation and obtained the Storage for Disposal of Construction Garbage License upon approval by holding the approval documents of the competent administrative departments for land and resources, urban and rural planning and environmental protection.
The municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation shall, within three working days after receiving the application, complete examination and issue the approval document of construction garbage disposal; in case no approval document is issued, the reason shall be notified.
Article 7 No unit or individual may forge, alter, buy in and sell, lease or borrow the approval certificates for disposal of construction garbage .
Article 8 The competent administrative departments for urban and rural construction and for demolition and relocation shall, at the same time of issuing the approval document of construction or demolition and relocation, transfer the information about discharge of construction garbage in a construction project or demolition and relocation project to the municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation and the municipal urban management law enforcement department.
For the construction project in which the promise system is exercised, the information about the discharge of construction garbage by the promising unit shall be transferred to the municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation and the municipal urban management law enforcement department.
The municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation shall feed back the information about the construction garbage approved to be discharged to the competent administrative departments for urban and rural construction and for demolition and relocation and the municipal urban management law enforcement department.
Article 9 The project owner or the demolition and relocation unit producing construction garbage shall supervise the construction unit to organize clear and transport away the construction garbage as provided in these Measures.
Article 10 The construction unit shall deliver the construction garbage for transport to the unit approved to engage in transport of construction garbage and enter into a transport contract with the latter. The transport contract shall be submitted for record to the district department for city appearance and environmental sanitation and the municipal urban management law enforcement department of the place where the project is located.
The unit transporting construction garbage may not subcontract the transport of construction garbage.
Article 11 The construction unit shall clear and transport away construction garbage without delay so as to keep the building site and surrounding environment tidy and clean.
Article 12 The construction unit shall load construction garbage according to the approved loading weight of the vehicles transporting such garbage, and shall not load them over the approved height and weight.
The transport vehicle which loads construction garbage over the approved height and weight, or which is not tightly sealed may not run away from the building site.
Article 13 The construction unit shall stiffen the surfaces of entrances and exits of the construction site and equip with appropriate washing facilities.
Before the transport vehicle leaves from the construction site, the construction unit shall clean up the outer sides of carriage and tires of the vehicle.
Article 14 The charge system shall be exercised for discharge of construction garbage according to the relevant regulations of the State, and the specific charge standard shall be ratified by the municipal competent administrative department for pricing.
The unit which produces construction garbage shall pay disposal fee according to the provisions.
Article 15 The disposal of construction garbage by a construction unit shall be subject to the comprehensive credit evaluation management. In case of building construction, it shall be incorporated for management into the evaluation system of comprehensive credit of construction enterprises; in case of demolition operation, it shall be incorporated for management into the evaluation system of housing demolition credit.
The municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation and the municipal urban management law enforcement department shall provide the municipal agency for evaluation of comprehensive credit of construction enterprises or the municipal competent administrative department for housing demolition and relocation with the information about disposal of construction garbage by construction units, and record such information in the enterprise credit archive according to the prescribed procedure.
Article 16 Vehicles for transport of construction garbage shall be installed with seal devices in accordance with the Technical Specifications of Harbin Municipality for Hermetic Cargo Body Cover of Dump Trucks, and may not be put into use until they have passed the inspection conducted by the qualified product inspection institution.
The municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation shall make the vehicles approved public in such media as the information website of the municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation or the newspapers for convenient use by and supervision of the public.
Article 17 The unit transporting construction garbage shall, before the transport, obtain the Transport Card from the municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation by holding the Permit for Transport of Construction Garbage, and the said Card shall be taken on the vehicle for check.
The Transport Card shall be issued by the municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation in association with the municipal department for public security and traffic administration.
The construction site, transport route, discharging time and storage field for disposal shall be specified in the Transport Card.
Article 18 The unit engaged in transport of construction garbage shall abide by the following provisions:
(1) To carry construction garbage discharged upon approval;
(2) To transport construction garbage in accordance with the approved loading weight of the transport vehicle, with vehicle being closely sealed, and not to drop and scatter garbage along the way;
(3) To carry with the vehicle the Permit for Transport of Construction Garbage, the Construction Garbage Transport Card and place them in the inner side of the vehicles’ window shield, and consciously accept supervision and inspection;
(4) To drive in light of the transport route and time designated by the public security and traffic department; and
(5) To dump garbage in the designated storage fields for disposal, follow the instructions of the field administrative personnel, and obtain a receipt for future inspection.
Article 19 The establishment of a storage field for disposal of construction garbage shall conform to the planning and the relevant regulations on city appearance and environmental sanitation, environmental protection, land and resources, and the examination and approval procedures shall be gone through in accordance with the regulations.
The municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation shall make the approved consumption fields public in such media as the information website of the municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation or the newspapers.
Article 20 The following provisions shall be abided by in the storage for disposal of construction garbage:
(1) A solid enclosure wall not less than 2 meters shall be built to enclose the consumption field, and facilities against pollution shall be equipped in the consumption field;
(2) Special persons shall be appointed for management purpose, and the field and facilities shall be kept in good condition, clean and tidy;
(3) A complete storage for disposal registration and receipt system shall be established, and registration shall be made and the receipt shall be issued without delay; and
(4) No industrial garbage, domestic garbage, and poisonous and noxious garbage may be stored for disposal.
Article 21 Where a unit produces construction garbage in housing upgrade, it shall make a declaration to the district department for city appearance and environmental sanitation, temporarily pile up the construction garbage at the place designated by the district department for city appearance and environmental sanitation and cover them tightly, and employ approved transport vehicles to clear and transport e them away without delay.
Where an individual produces construction garbage in housing upgrade, the individual concerned shall make a declaration to the realty service enterprise in advance if realty management system is exercised; if the realty management system is not exercised, the individual concerned shall make a declaration to the sub-district office, temporarily pile up the construction garbage at the place designated by the realty service enterprise or the sub-district office and cover them tightly, and employ approved transport vehicles to clear and transport them away without delay by himself or by consigning the realty service enterprise or the sub-district office .
Any place for temporarily piling up construction garbage, which is designated by the district department for city appearance and environmental sanitation, the sub-district office, or the realty service enterprise, shall not adversely affect urban traffic.
Article 22 The usable black soil and yellow soil produced in construction shall be discharged and transported separately, and be delivered to and placed at the site designated by the municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation.
The unit which needs to have construction garbage backfilled or to utilize construction garbage shall, by holding the consent certification of the unit producing such construction garbage, the quantity of construction garbage needed, the information about the employed vehicles and other materials, make a declaration to the municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation, and may not have the garbage backfilled or utilized until the declaration has been approved by the municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation. The municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation shall transfer the information of approval information to the municipal urban management law enforcement department.
A reception and registration system shall be set up for backfilling and using construction garbage, and special persons shall be assigned to register the reception of construction garbage. Upon completion of reception, the record of reception registration shall be submitted to the municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation and the municipal urban management law enforcement department for record.
Article 23 The competent administrative departments for city appearance and environmental sanitation, urban management law enforcement , and public security and traffic administration shall, according to their respective duties, set up the system of responsibility for administration of construction garbage, fulfill the supervision responsibility, and exercise supervision and inspection of the discharge, transport and storage for disposal of construction garbage.
The unit being inspected and the person concerned shall offer cooperation, accept inspection and provide the relevant documents and certificates.
Article 24 If the project owner or demolition unit producing construction garbage, in violation of the provisions of these Measures, fails to obtain the Construction Garbage Discharge License and discharges construction garbage without authorizations, the municipal urban management law enforcement department shall order it to make corrections within the specified time limit, give it a warning, and impose a fine of not less than 5,000 Yuan but not more than 30,000 Yuan.
Article 25 If the construction unit, in violation of the provisions of these Measures, commits any of the following acts, the municipal urban management law enforcement department shall impose penalties according to the following provisions:
(1) If it fails to clear and transport away construction garbage, which results in environmental pollution, the said department shall order it to make corrections within the specified time limit, give it a warning, and impose a fine of not less than 1,000 Yuan but not more than 5,000 Yuan.
(2) If it delivers construction garbage for transport to the unit or individual not being approved to engage in transport of construction garbage, the said department shall order it to make corrections within the specified time limit, give it a warning, and impose a fine of not less than 10,000 Yuan but not more than 100,000 Yuan.
(3) If it fails to stiffen the surfaces of the entrances and exits of the construction site, the said department shall order it to make corrections within the specified time limit, and if no correction is made upon expiry of the time limit, impose a fine of not less than 1,000 Yuan but not more than 5,000 Yuan.
(4) If, before the transport vehicle leaves from the construction site, it fails to clean up the outer sides of carriage and tires of the vehicle, the said department shall order it to make corrections within the specified time limit, and impose a fine of not less than 500 Yuan but not more than 1,000 Yuan for each vehicle. If it refuses to accept the penalty and the circumstance is serious, the vehicle in question may be detained.
(5) If it fails to enter into a transportation contract with the unit approved to engage in transport of construction garbage, or fails to submit the transportation contract for record to the district department for city appearance and environmental sanitation and the municipal urban management law enforcement department, the said department shall order it to make corrections within the specified time limit, and impose a fine of not less than 1,000 Yuan but not more than 3,000 Yuan.
(6) If it fails to load construction garbage according to the approved loading weight of the transport vehicle, or loads the garbage over the approved height or weight, or allows the transport vehicle loaded with construction garbage over the approved height or weight or not sealed tightly to leave from the construction site, the said department shall order it to make corrections and impose a fine of not less than 5,000 Yuan but not more than 20,000 Yuan; if the circumstance is serious and it refuses to make corrections, the loading machines may be detained according to law.
Article 26 If the unit engaged in transport of construction garbage , in violation of the provisions of these Measures, commits any of the following acts it shall be ordered to make corrections within the specified time limit, and the municipal urban management law enforcement department shall impose penalties according to the following provisions:
(1) If it transports construction garbage without applying to get the Permit for Transport of Construction Garbage, the said department shall impose a fine of not less than 500 Yuan but not more than 2,000 Yuan for each vehicle.
(2) If it subcontracts the transport of construction garbage, the said department shall impose a fine of not less than 1,000 Yuan but not more than 2,000 Yuan.
(3) If it fails to obtain the Construction Garbage Transport Card from the municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation and take the said Card with the vehicle for inspection, the said department shall impose a fine of not less than 200 Yuan but not more than 500 Yuan for each vehicle.
(4) If it uses the vehicle not being equipped with seal devices to transport construction garbage, or the transport vehicle is not sealed tightly, the said department shall impose a fine of 500 Yuan but not more than 1,000 Yuan for each vehicle; if it refuses to accept the penalty and the circumstance is serious, the vehicle in question may be detained.
(5) If it transports the construction garbage not being approved to discharge, the said department shall impose a fine of not less than 200 Yuan but not more than 500 Yuan for each vehicle.
(6) If it drops and scatters construction garbage along the way during the transport, the said department shall impose a fine of not less than 500 Yuan but not more than 1,000 Yuan for each vehicle; if it refuses to accept the penalty and the circumstance is serious, the vehicle in question may be detained.
(7) If it fails to take the Permit for Transport of Construction Garbage and the Transport Card with the vehicle, the said department shall impose a fine of 200 Yuan.
(8) If it dumps construction garbage without authorizations, the said department shall impose a fine of not less than 2,000 Yuan but not more than 5,000 Yuan for each vehicle, and the transport tool in question may be detained.
(9) If it fails to clean up the transport vehicle’ tires, thus resulting in polluting the roads, the said department shall impose a fine of not less than 500 Yuan but not more than 1,000 Yuan for each vehicle; if it refuses s to accept the penalty and the circumstance is serious, the vehicle in question may be detained.
If it deliberately dumps garbage on the urban road, thus resulting in damaging the road surface, the public security department shall impose the penalty upon it according to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security.
Article 27 If the unit for storing for disposal of garbage consumption,in violation of the provisions of these Measures, commits any of the following act the municipal urban management law enforcement department shall order it to make corrections within the specified time limit and impose penalties according to the following provisions:
(1) If it fails to obtain the Storage for Disposal of Construction Garbage License and stores for disposal of construction garbage without authorizations, the said department shall give it a warning, and impose a fine of not less than 10,000 Yuan but not more than 100,000 Yuan.
(2) If it fails to build an enclosure wall to enclose the consumption field according to the provisions, or fails to equip with anti-pollution facilities, the said department shall impose a fine of not less than 5,000 Yuan but not more than 10,000 Yuan.
(3) If it fails to appoint special persons for management purpose, or fails to keep the field and facilities in good condition, sanitary and clean, the said department shall impose a fine of not less than 1,000 Yuan but not more than 2,000 Yuan.
(4) If it fails to develop a complete registration and receipt system on storage for disposal of construction garbage, or fails to make registration and issue the receipt without delay, the said department shall impose a fine of not less than 500 Yuan but not more than 1,000 Yuan.
(5) If it stores for disposal of industrial garbage, domestic garbage or toxic hazardous garbage, the said department shall impose a fine of not less than 5,000 Yuan but not more than 10,000 Yuan.
If the violation of the provisions of the preceding paragraph of this Article is serious in, the municipal department for city appearance and environmental sanitation may take back the Storage for Disposal of Construction Garbage License.
Article 28 If any unit or individual, in violation of the provisions of these Measures, commits any of the following acts the municipal urban management law enforcement department shall impose penalties according to the following provisions:
(1) If an individual engages in transport of construction garbage, the said department shall order to make corrections and impose a fine of not less than 500 Yuan but not more than 2,000 Yuan for each vehicle.
(2) If the unit or individual alters, buys in and sells, leases or borrows the approval certificates for disposal of construction garbage, the said department shall order to make corrections and impose a fine of not less than 5,000 Yuan but not more than 20,000 Yuan.
(3) If the unit or individual fails to pile up construction garbage produced in housing upgrade at the designated place, or fails to consign the realty service enterprise or the sub-district office to clear and transport away construction garbage instead thereof, the said department shall order to make corrections and impose a fine of not less than 100 Yuan but not more than 500 Yuan.
Article 29 Where any unit engaged in transport of construction garbage fails to make corrections even though it has been given administrative sanctions twice within one year because it loads construction garbage in excess of the approved loading weight of a transport vehicle, drops and scatters garbage along the way, or dumps the garbage randomly, it shall, in addition to the penalties imposed in accordance with the provisions, not be allowed to apply for the Permit for Transport of Construction Garbage in three years.
Article 30 Those who insult or assault administrative law-enforcing officials, or obstruct them from carrying out duties, shall be penalized by the public security department in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security.
Article 31 Those who violate other provisions of these Measures shall be penalized by the relevant administrative departments in accordance with the regulations concerned.
Article 32 The competent administrative departments for city appearance and environmental sanitation, urban management law enforcement, and pubic security and traffic administration, as well as their staff members, shall perform their functions and duties according to law, and shall not neglect their duties, abuse their powers, or commit illegalities by fraudulent means or for personal gains.
If any one violates the preceding paragraph of this Article and commits any of the following acts, the unit he belongs to or the organ at a higher level shall, according to the seriousness of the case,require the said person to hold accountability or give an administrative sanction; if a crime is constituted, the said person shall be transferred to the judicial organ for investigating for criminal liabilities.
(1) Approving the Construction Garbage Discharge License, the Permit for Transport of Construction Garbage or the Storage for Disposal of Construction Garbage License in violation of the provisions;
(2) Failing to investigate and punish according to law any illegal act of discharging, transporting or storing for disposal of construction garbage without approval;
(3) Failing to transfer the relevant information according to the provisions;
(4) Failing to investigate and punish according to the provisions any illegal act of loading construction garbage by the construction unit; and
(5) Other acts of failing to perform supervisory duties according to law.
Article 33 These Measures shall take effect as of October 20, 2010. The Measures of the Municipality of Harbin for Administration of Urban Construction Garbage promulgated by the municipal people’s government on August 9, 2006 shall be repealed simultaneously.